
SaaS creating Dynamic Workplaces

Planning, Management and Connectivity. The three required pillars of today’s workplace environment.
March 25, 2022

Software the Solution

Work and the idea of the workplace has become disjointed. Businesses must find a way to meet guidelines regarding spatial distance and sanitation within the office, whilst retaining employee satisfaction and communication within their teams, to ensure maximum productivity.

Up until now the solution has been ‘flexibility’, giving employees the choice to enter the office, to work from home, or take on the hybrid work model involving a combination of the two. However, this is not the solution, the solution stems from the selection and implementation of software solutions. Software that will allow for the safe return of 75% of the global workforce that have changed their work and living arrangements and are now returning to their long lost offices.

Workplace Management Software

Workplace management software is being adopted to help plan and actively manage workspaces and the return of workers to the office. Companies are using integrated work management systems (IWMS) software platforms as a solution to assist with facilities management in a goal to create more dynamic workplaces.

What is IWMS software?

An integrated work management system is a truly integrated seamless system incorporating features such as space planning, physical distance management, room booking, desk management, asset management as well as integrating with third-party tools to make for more streamlined connectivity between a workforce. Examples of IWMS software’s are OfficeSpace Software and Space IQ. All-in-one platforms enable the ability to book a room or a desk through the platform accessible via a mobile or desktop app. Based on real-time data analysing room and desk usage as well as the location of staff members helps to create a transparent dynamic work environment.

IWMS are now integrating with advanced Internet of Things (IoT) sensors producing real-time space utilisation data. This allows workspace movements and insights to be analysed and acted on instantly allowing for a workforce to collaborate effectively in a dynamic environment.

IWMS software’s make planning the dynamics of the workspace simpler, allowing for a much quicker re-opening of CRE offices. With features like Office Space’s distancing planner, socially distanced floor plans for the office are automatically generated via the platform making the architectural dynamic thinking behind socially distanced seating plans much less of a headache. Space IQ’s version of the distancing planner is their scenario planning tool, creating various plans for department heads and stakeholders to decide on.

Regardless of the workplace requirements to follow guidelines these integrated software solutions have positive externalities in time and cost savings in addition to environmental benefits. The ability to see real-time data means workplace functions such as lighting and air quality systems can be managed effectively and efficiently helping to cut carbon emissions within the wider real estate and contributing to achieving commercial real estate emission targets.

Doordeck and IWMS Software

Doordeck works as a component within these IWMS software’s. Doordeck is an access control software solution providing its SDK for contactless door entry. Our cloud-based software also provides real-time rich data that can be integrated into workplace management software platforms, showing how many people are in a room through the entries made through Doordeck’s cloud software integration with the installed access control system in the building. We aren’t fussed about which access control system your building uses as we integrate with all of the major ones.

An example of an IWMS Doordeck integrates with is Nexudus. Nexudus is a leading white-label platform for the management of coworking and flexible workspaces. Users of the platform are able to manage desk space, make bookings and manage visitors as well as benefit from the platform's various integrations which include facility management tools, accounting tools and communication tools such as Slack and Zoom.

Doordeck integrates with Nexudus and its ‘Passport’ app to provide secure contactless door entry to its flexi workspace buildings by integrating with existing access control infrastructure to create a smart keyless entry system. This means reduced touchpoints within the workspace and therefore a reduced risk of contamination. Doordeck also provides Nexudus with building insights and reports on how users are accessing their spaces allowing for strategies to be put in place to create the optimum safe and efficient dynamic workspace.  

Digital property management platforms and apps

SaaS portals are also playing a key role in driving CRE management and engagement through creating dynamic, efficient workplace communities.

Locale, a leading provider of tailored digital solutions to commercial, residential and mixed-use property in the UK offers building managers and occupiers the benefit of a portal and app. A one-stop-shop that is designed to enable all those with building touchpoints instant access information and tools. Including: announcements, help desk services, deliveries, visitor management, document storage, offers and promotions, to engage with their space and those that share it.

The platform is embedded in a building’s DNA through a customisable solution that facilitates secure, visible, accessible information with instant communication via the mobile or desktop portal. The portal delivers tangible efficiencies and is backed up with an unrivalled customer experience team to ensure a seamless user experience.

Tenant Experience Apps creating Dynamic Workplaces

Tenant Experience Apps (TEAs) are another example of SaaS driving engagement for CRE tenants and employees creating inclusive and transparent dynamics within workplaces.

The user-friendly mobile apps can provide rich space usage data and reports informing better decision making. These apps help connect work teams and communicate building and company information, scheduled meetings and events. Doordeck’s partners provide great examples of tenant experience apps involved in creating dynamic workspaces within CRE.

HqO has developed their mobile app into a Workplace Experience Platform with features including an analytics suite, hybrid work tools for those employees who are still required to work from home, and a flex space management system similar to what the IWMS platforms provide mentioned earlier.

Equiem also prides its smart tenant experience app as being central to the future of the workplace. Offering a seamless experience for tenants and landlords through technology integrations, enhancing the communication of building information and functionality. Like Doordeck’s door access control software for information on door entries for booking workspaces as well as providing touchless entry.

Digital Collaboration Tools  

The hybrid work model requires a streamlined digital work environment. Companies would have struggled greatly without software communication platforms keeping their displaced teams connected. Platforms such as Slack and Zoom allow teams to stay connected regardless of the situation.

The importance of these communication software’s has been picked up by IWMS platforms. Integrating with them to allow company members ease of access to all features of the integrated software through one simple login.

Software capabilities have also been executed such as invitations to Zoom and Microsoft Teams meetings being connected to the booking of physical meeting rooms for those team members that are going into the office. These types of developed integrations are the future of the workplace where workers with ‘fit-for-purpose spaces’ in their home office can seamlessly collaborate with in-office workers through advanced cloud software.

The office isn’t dead

Technology is the root of all dynamic developments within the modern workspace and therefore the solution to the revival of commercial real estate workplaces. Integrated software solutions pave the way for easy adaptation of real estate workspaces to becoming smart and safe spaces without the costs and hardships associated with replacing infrastructure and hardware. Investments by businesses into SaaS are returned through increased productivity of the workforce through time savings and connectivity. Innovative workplace management enables workers to connect via communication platforms and alternatively face to face again. With the help of technology and cloud-based software solutions, workplace efficiency and flexibility is at its peak and helping to propel the future of the office forward for decades to come.

Cameron Turriff